20 gallon fish tank measurements
20 gallon fish tank measurements

20 gallon fish tank measurements

  • GLA Aquariums: Still expensive, but lower cost than ADA and at times, better availability to those in the USA.
  • There are a few alternatives to ADA for high quality, rimless tanks: Photo Courtesy of Viktor Lantos Alternatives to ADA:ĪDA products are high quality, but the disadvantage to that quality is high cost.


    I would think the big plus for this size would be the stability gained from the extra water volume. The extra 30cm in width gives you more space that you have to carefully construct to make a cohesive aquascape. I think the difficulty really jumps up in this size. This size seems to be very popular with the serious aquascape enthusiast. You can really start to unleash more creativity having plenty of room for rocks and wood for your scene. ADA 90P: Now we’re starting to dream big! It seems this jump in size makes available greater flexibility in aquascaping options.It is, however, still small enough to be manageable in cost and size of associated equipment. The 60P is big enough to have some room to work with big enough to have enough water volume to start being stable. The trouble with ADA is that they are expensive and tend to get exponentially more expensive in larger sizes. ADA 60P: This is a nice sized aquarium.There is some variance between calculated and ADA’s listed volume not sure why that is, but they are close. If it is helpful, I also created a spreadsheet here that has much of the same information as well as a calculation field to calculate the exact volume. The volume inside the tank must take into account space lost by the glass thickness. The dimensions listed are outside dimensions. Metric units are on the left and I put English units (inches and gallons) on the right – I’m still English unit handicapped so It is easier for me to visualize if I can see those units ( click to enlarge): Translated, ‘P’ is generally the standard depth to height ratio while ‘F’ is shallower (shorter) and ‘H’ is taller.īelow is a table I created that shows the various standard ADA aquariums and their respective dimensions and volumes. ‘P’ stands for “Pool”, ‘F’ stands for “Flood”, and ‘H’ stands for “High”. ‘C’ stands for cube, where all three dimensions are the same (width, depth, height). The first number is always the width of the tank, in centimeters.


    Not many english sites fully tabulate ADA aquarium sizes for dimensions and volume, so I thought I would have a go.ĪDA has standard model names I have tried to decipher what the code means as far as size. In my dreaming, I was curious to research what sizes they offer.

    20 gallon fish tank measurements

    Even though my aquarium exploits are currently limited to the Fluval Spec V, I still dream of one day having a beautiful, big, planted tank, like one of those sleek, rimless jobs made by ADA.

    20 gallon fish tank measurements